Sunday, September 25, 2011

the Lemon Run

This morning I had the great honor of participating in a fundraising event for two charities that raise money for pediatric cancer research.  It's a wonderful cause and participating in such a small, but very good, event was really fun today.  The course was the most supported of any race I've ever done, the route was scenic circling the lake and everyone was so friendly and fun.  I loved it.  I'm glad I participated in this event today and I'm glad I did it with three mama friends.  It's an event that I won't forget anytime soon.

Distance: 4.6 miles
Time: doesn't matter
Fun factor: 10+

Thursday, September 01, 2011

August: 126.72 miles

Yay!  My monthly goal is 125 -- reaching that is always satisfying!