Sunday, November 12, 2006

Just when I thought I couldn't possibly run any slower...

I went out and ran twelve minute miles. I admit there was some walking included with that *run* to get that pace, but yowzers! I'm not even sure if that pace is still considered running.

I felt really great the other day and decided to go for a run during the afternoon. I can't remember the last time I ran in the afternoon. I took the baby with me in his jogger so this was quite a big deal for me. Not only was I out running in the afternoon, but I was also pushing my close-to-30 pound baby in the jogger, too! It wasn't a long run and it was pretty slow, but I felt awesome afterward.

I felt so good that I decided to rake the back and front yards. While raking the front yard, a friend in the 'hood ran by. She was pushing her son in the jogger and running with her two large dogs. Did I mention she is 13+ weeks pregnant?? Holy smokes. It totally burst my bubble and I really wish I hadn't seen her. Of course, she smiled and waved to me as they passed. Ugh.

I'm not an overly competitive person, but man oh man do I have my moments. That was one of them. I must keep running, no matter how slow the runs become...


Suzie Petunia said...

But at least you are running! That is great! How far along are you? Just keep going!

Kelly(M&M) said...

Sure, rub it in Suzie! :-) Cherl, I just wanted to stop in and say hello. How is everything going?

Anonymous said...

it does no good to compare yourself to others. Just know that you, yourself are doing better today that you were yesterday - way to go girl. As for me, I'd rather take a ride in the buggy! best wishes