Sunday, June 22, 2008

IronGirl 10K

This morning's 10K race was brutal. I knew it would be hot since yesterday was also very warm, but it was already in the low 70s by the race start time. Ouch. It was my first race in nearly 2 years and I'm okay with how I did given the conditions and route. Still, you always wish you could have gone a little faster or not taken a walk break. Slowly I will get there...

** Also, when did a 10K mean 6.54 miles...??


Kelly(M&M) said...

What a cute charm! I didn't realize your 10k was this weekend. I am sorry it didn't go great, but I am a huge believer that weather makes all the difference, especially heat. I can't wait to hear how your next one goes! Great job getting back out there.

Maria said...

Yay for getting back into the racing scene! It sounds like your running is coming along nicely. Congratulations on your 10K and I hope to hear about more soon!

Keep up the great work.


p.s. love, love, love all the posts on your other blog, those kids are the cutest!!