Friday, December 31, 2010

2010: 1241.17 miles

Love that my running has been taken to a new level. Enjoying the great running weather all year long down here and love the group I started running with in June. I've had running groups on and off throughout the years and I've always enjoyed the social part of it. Some of my best conversations with friends have been during runs. Life's problems get figured out, ideas are bounced off each other, solutions for something totally minor are found... The folks you run with are there 3x a week, rain or shine, cold or hot. There's nothing better than battling out some tough miles with others who love it as much as you do -- and then to top it off with some hot coffee, breakfast, a cool dip in the ocean, or even just 15 minutes of stretching and talking about what we just accomplished. I absolutely love it.
My goal for 2010 was to run 1200 miles. An average of 100 miles per month seemed realistic given unexpected things in life, vacations, etc. I'm thrilled with this year's total miles run!
Goal for 2011: 1500 miles. Bring it.

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