Monday, June 06, 2011

Rock 'n' Roll San Diego Half Marathon

This morning I ran the Rock 'n' Roll San Diego Half Marathon. Three days ago I had no desire to run this race. I'm not a fan of this race series -- that's a whole other post, but basically the "circus" environment I imagined is very, very real -- and never gave it a second thought. However, my friend called me Thursday evening to say, "I think I can get us bibs for this weekend's race. Are you in?" The more I thought it over, the more I liked the idea. Friday I thought it might be iffy and I actually felt disappointed -- I really did want to run this race! Saturday morning, she texted me around 11am to let me know that she had two bibs in her hands and that we were all set to run. So this morning I woke at 3am (couldn't sleep) and we headed downtown for the 6:15am race start.

Our bibs were for the full marathon but we agreed that doing the full today wouldn't be prudent. I'd only run one 11 miler since the OC Marathon and she hadn't run much at all since Boston due to tight hamstrings. So we decided to run the half marathon. The first four miles we weaved around slower runners and walkers. Around this point we became separated and didn't see each other again the whole race. I continued to weave around people pretty much the whole race but it did ease up a bit after mile 6. Around mile 8 the guy in front of me came to a dead stop and I totally nailed him. Again around mile 12 a female on the side also wanted to weave around the same 4 slower runners that I was weaving around and we collided. Had I not held her arm up, she totally would have bit it. She apologized (it was her fault) but it still felt pretty good to take off at that point and leave her and her white tutu behind. The crowd support was amazing and I was able to pick it up to a 7:40 pace as I headed into the finish. It was a new PR for the half marathon distance (took off almost 3 minutes to finish in 1:49 -- woot!) but it isn't official since it wasn't my bib. I'm not the 32 year old female I pretended to be today. Nor is my friend the 26 year old female she pretended to be today.

Usually the races we enter are planned so far in advance. It was a different experience to "jump in at the last minute" and really a fun way to do it. We were planning to run 12 miles this weekend anyway and with the gorgeous weekend weather and bibs for 1/3 of their original prices, well... how could we possibly pass that up!? 

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