Friday, June 30, 2006

June: 97.25 miles?

I'm always a bit disappointed when I don't log 100 miles for the month. I have been sick all week so I haven't run since Monday morning. I got out for 4 this morning, but they were slow and painful. I was coughing so hard at times that it just wasn't much fun. I'm a little concerned about a half marathon I have coming up, but maybe this forced taper is a good thing. Sometimes they are and can result in a PR so who knows. I just need to lose this cold first!

If I can find the energy, I may go out for the extra 2.75 miles later today. I just hate being so close...


Kelly(M&M) said...

Hi Cherl (again),

I love your goal to make 100 miles each month. Now that the half marathon is over, I need a goal that will keep me running. I think this will be it. Thanks. :-) Also, the forced taper did well for you. Were you feeling much better today? You did awesome! I think the resting I did was good for me also. No knee pain- woo hoo!

cherl said...

I did feel better the morning of the race. However, I was still coughing the night before and didn't sleep well. I'm just happy everyone ran the races they wanted and it seems that everyone I know got a new PR. Can't beat that!