Thursday, June 07, 2007

I'm on the road again!

Albeit slow and not for very long, but I went out for my first run this afternoon post baby #2. I waited 6 weeks, 2 days and definitely felt the difference from my first run post baby #1. Two years ago, I ran 5 weeks post delivery and it was a very slow and painful run. Back then I ran 4 minutes, walked 1 minute, ran another 5 minutes, walked 1 minute and ran a final 4 mintues to log a total of 15 minutes and maybe 1 mile. Today, I didn't feel any pain and ran 2.15 (very slow) miles for a total of 24.5 minutes. I feel great - it was wonderful to get out and start moving again!
This Garmin is totally addicting. It was my first run with any sort of GPS device and I know it made me want to run further and faster than I would have without it. I don't know just how I'm going to use all this data, but I love having it!


Kelly(M&M) said...

I tried to post a comment and it was deleted, so I will try again! Anyway, good job on your first run! It sounds like it was the same distance as my first run, but I got my butt kicked! I was just so out of breath. My second run felt better, so that's good. I don't have any races planned until St. George in October, but I am sure I will have to run something before then. How about you?

Kelly(M&M) said...

Hey, how do you log your miles on your blog? Do you have a program that does it automatically or do you just manually update it?

cherl said...

I'm looking at an 8K trail run next month, but i want to be sure I'm ready before signing up.

Manually. The new templates make updating a breeze though!