Tuesday, August 01, 2006

July: 89 miles

This is the second month in a row that I did not log 100 miles. So what's a girl to do? Change her goals! I didn't say it, but my goal this month was to actually log around 75 to 80 miles. It's tough to get the miles in when you aren't running long runs anymore so somewhere around 75 to 80 miles is a more attainable goal for me right now. Yes, no long runs. My runs are generally between 4 and 6 miles these days. This is the sort of mileage I'd like to continue running for the long haul just to keep the blood pumping and myself healthy so when when I'm like 80 years old and my grandchildren want to run the local 5K, I can run it with them.

1 comment:

Mel said...

You go girl!