Monday, July 02, 2007

June: 19.62 miles

Last night I was thinking about what my running goal should be this month. I definitely need a mileage goal, but shouldn't I have distance and pace goals, too? June was spent easing back into running, but now I feel like I really need to step it up. Maybe still a bit conservative, but my goals for this month are...

JULY goals
mileage - 45 miles
distance - 7 miles
pace - 10 minute miles (for 7 miles)

I also need to kick the remaining pregnancy pounds to the curb. A BBQ with old friends at the end of the month is my incentive to lose these last 12 pounds. It's certainly more than the recommended pound or two for healthy weight loss but it would put me back under 130 pounds. If I can somehow pull this off, the last 5 pounds I'd like to lose can wait until Labor Day. If the 12 doesn't happen, I'll try not to sweat it. I just want to wear my regular clothes again!

1 comment:

Kelly(M&M) said...

You are doing great!! I am frustrated with my weight loss, but I can't seem to get my eating under control, so I guess I can't complain! Let's keep each other motivated. I would love to be where you are right now, ha ha!