Wednesday, July 04, 2007

reflections while running

I went out for a short run this morning and took T in the jogger with me. I haven't pushed the BOB while running probably since October due to my pregnancy. Morning sickness got the best of me then. It was really nice to have T with me today, but pushing a 30+ pound boy in a jogging stroller was quite a workout -- even if it was a short run!

While running this morning, I thought about what I was doing last year on this same day -- a half marathon out at Sauvie Island. I ran with a group of friends and everyone had a personal best. It's a fantastic course - super flat and fast - for that sort of thing. It got me thinking about other personal bests at different distances so when I got home I looked them up. Being the nerd that I am with these kinds of things, I had them all listed in a file...

8K - 49:44 (2001)
5 Miler - 52:35 (1998)
10K - 58:56 (2003)
15K - 1:23 (2006)
Half Marathon - 1:54:21 (2006)
Marathon - 4:20:30 gun time (2006)

Post-baby #1, all of my times for longer distances dropped. It was amazing. I had heard the year immediately following a birth is the best year for a woman runner and I believe it. I'm hoping I can get back to where I was last year at this time and drop my times even more. I've never been a fast runner and never will be, but I would love to get closer to averaging an 8:30 for all my longer distances. It would get me to Boston!

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